
What is a lawn mower? -- Part 1

Lawnmower (mower) using one or more rotating blades of grass cut into uniform height of the surface of the machine. The height of the cut grass can be obtained by the mower on the design, but in general can be adjusted by an operator, usually by a single main lever, or by each machine a lever or wheel nuts and bolts. Leaves can be powered by the muscles, mechanically connected to the cutting blade, so that when the mower is pushed forward, the blades rotate, or a machine with a battery-powered or plug-in electric motor wheels. Mower is the most common source of power is a small (typically a cylinder) internal combustion engine, particularly for large, self-propelled mower. Small mower often lack any form of propulsion, human needs, in order to move on the surface; "hands on" self-propelled mower, requiring people can only go in the back, and guide them. Larger mowers usually either self-propelled "hands on" type, or more often, is "sitting" mowers, equipped so that the operator can take the mower and control it. A robot mower ( "lawn-mowing robots", "mowbot", etc.) are designed to operate entirely or itself, or less commonly by the operator via remote control.

Many lawn mowers include other features, such as grass clippings or mulching grass clippings to collect their bags or boxes in a movable.

To be continued...

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